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Business Model Generation

Business Model Canvas

Have you read "Business Model Generation" by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur"? If not get a copy now.


Their Business Model Canvas has now become the standard for working through the questions you need to address when taking a product or service to market. I had been searching for many years for a strategic thinking methodology that brought all the right questions together into a single framework. This is the answer.


In the centre you have your value propositions which ties the whole thing together. 


On the right hand side you have the customer facing questions of "Which segments are you going to address?", "What type of customer relationship will you need?", "What sales channels do you need to put in place?". These are the considerations which drive revenues.


On the left hand side you have the inward facing questions. "What activities do you have to excel at to be successful?", "What resources are absolutely necessary to assure success?", "Which partners do you need to win the day?". These are the considerations that drive your cost structure.


Working through the framework enables you to test out alternative business architectures to see which will give you maximum competitive advantage. 


We are experienced in taking clients through the framework with the aim of finding a new architecture to take the organisation to a new and improved level of performance. 


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