Enstra Consulting, founded by Peter Franklin in 2002, provides Pyramid Thinking Plus training to organisations, large and small, across a broad range of industries to enable them to flourish and prosper.
Core to Enstra's activities is the discipline of Pyramid Thinking Plus (PTP) - the creation of one page logic templates to drive any communications. These have driven our proposals, presentations, reports and even important emails....and have been a significant factor behind our success.
Alongside PTP, we are also expert practitioners in a number of business and strategy development approaches which we deploy for clients to help them grow. Combining this with our deep knowledge of energy and water markets has enabled us to help origanisations interested in these markets to flourish and grow - although we have trained organisations across a broad range of sectors including pharmaceuticals, consulting, engineering and financial services.
Over the last decade we have been asked to not only deploy these approaches but also to teach them to clients through "On assignment" learning.
Our experience has given us the capability to effectively transfer the consulting approaches we are expert in. Clients can therefore get double the return on their investment. Consulting support can solve the challenge at hand and integrated training can give the organisation the capability to tackle the challenges of the future.
Our "Purpose" is now to deploy and transfer our capabilites and knowledge to you so you can flourish and grow.